Contact us

Do not hesitate to contact us

Where to find us

You will find us in the heart of Lapland in Laxforsen about 17 km from central Kiruna, or 8 km from Kiruna airport. For some tours we can arrange pick-up at a hotel or other meeting place. 

When you drive along Marknadsvägen towards Ishotellet, turn left onto Lintanenvägen just before the bridge. Follow the road for about 1 km until it bends right and becomes Oinakkavägen. Drive over a small bridge and keep your eyes open for our sign so you know when to turn in!


Timmerstigen 8, Kiruna

Contact us here

Do you have any questions about a specific dog sledding tour or do you want to know more about our mountain hikes? Whatever it may be, you can contact us via the form below.