Mountain hikes

Hiking by some of Sweden's most beautiful views

Guided mountain tours Kebnekaise

18 100:- per person

During this hike we will hike around the Kebnekaise area starting and finishing in Nikkaluokta. We will hike over high passes and through long rallies. We will stop at lakes so clear that you have never tasted anything like them. The hike will include both easy walking on flat stretches as well as more challenging uphill sections.

7 days/6 nights

Not included: boots, rain gear, backpack, clothes.

Seats: minimum 3. Max 8 guests per trip.

Read the full tour description here.

The tour includes

Guided mountain tours Kungsleden

16 550:- per person

The clean air, midnight sun and magnificent views have also attracted foreign guests to our unique mountains in recent years. We will hike through Lapland's camps and spend the night at the foot of Sweden's highest peak, Kebnekaise. It is an easy 9-day hike and our intention is to spend each night in a cabin.

Not included: boots, rain gear, backpack, clothes.

Seats: minimum 3. Max 8 guests per trip.

Read the full tour description here.

The tour includes